Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Bits and bobs

It's been awhile, but we are still around, but just a little quiet on the blog font.  Certainly anything but quiet in the flesh, and things are starting to ramp up thanks to the festive season being well and truly here.

Baby has had some seriously possessed moments over the last few weeks, curse those nasty little teeth!  Some days he was either asleep or screaming the house down.  And the times he was asleep was only after some rigorous pacing on my part, not to mention a little help from panadol and teething gel.  Just when we start to think we are raising a banshee, another little tooth pops through, bringing back the peace and tranquility to the household.  At least until the school bus arrives.

We have banned the boys from electronics until 5pm most days.  So now as soon as they get home from school at 3, I then endure 2 hours of whining, begging, bribery, and even trickery.  It has definitely promoted their negotiating skills, if nothing else.

The boys' after school activities are starting to wind up (thank goodness!) and the notes home from school are increasing.  Excursions, parties, assemblies, info sessions, fundraisers, 2015 info and soon.. reports! 

So we've been to the Hobart Show, the beach and even got dressed up for Halloween.  Which is a huge first for my boys.  I hate the idea of Halloween in Australia.  But as they were getting older, they saw all of their friends having Halloween fun and it's gotten more difficult to fob it off.  Coder, being American, stated that if anyone should be 'allowed' to do Halloween it should be our boys.  So much to my horror (get it?) we went trick or treating.

And then I received my long awaited 6th child.  My Thermomix!   

Everything else has been a blur since...  

Ok well not really.  But it certainly has been fun to play around with, to the detriment of the laundry pile though i'm afraid.  We make our own butter now!  The poor thing has had a flogging, and the older kids can even follow the recipe prompts and make stuff.  Unfortunately there are then no prompts for how to clean up after themselves, so it is always 'fun' for me when they 'cook'.  

We leave for Broken Hill in 2 weeks and 3 days, not that any of us are counting of course.  

On a side note: I feel like I just cant -be- funny/entertaining anymore when writing, which is partially why I have hardly written any posts of late.  Also, my number one inspiration for material is growing up and giving me less writing prompts!  He is 4 now, and rarely throws himself on the floor in tantrums, he now prefers to do it when bored or just because it will really inconvenience passer bys if he lays across shop entries or aisles. 

So here's hoping (or not! what am I saying?!) Baby provides more light hearted moments (less tantrums) in the future.

Today I link up with Essentially Jess for IBOT (I blog on Tuesdays).

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