"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."
It's a construction site at our house and we have trucks, excavators and equipment all over the place. We just love this old Ford truck.
I took the boys, minus Pichu (home with Daddy having his nap), to Richmond. Here they had all climbed up a very steep hill. Oshawott became stuck so Voltorb came to the rescue and showed him the way down.
Yes, is it almost winter. Yes, we live in Tassie. Yes, the water was freezing. Yes, my boys just don't care! Voltorb is walking on water!
Legoman was taking in the beauty of the Coal River.
Some of my favourites from last week:
Inked in Colour
Melon Pea
Show every week from the 52 series:
The 52 project
Come visit my first ever Photography linkup! Read about it here. The May Linkup is still open, so get shooting!
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