Welcome to the first ever Behind the Camera link up!
Rarely am I in any of our photos. The ones I do pop up in are the ones I have planned during an outing, bringing along the tripod and setting it up to take a self timed photo of us all. I love the mad run from camera to my predetermined position, pose, and then back again to quickly check the photo before anyone moves a muscle. The boys all think it is really funny seeing Mummy scramble like that.
But for the most part I am always behind the camera. So I had a idea that will encourage myself and I hope others also, to capture more memories. I want to take more photos of myself with the boys, and more family photos too. I know there are many people in the same position, and I wanted to create and inspire opportunities for those of us "Behind The Camera" (BTC) to prop the camera up, on a pile of books, a toy, or a tripod and take photo's, partially candid or fully posed of themselves with their families.
I will create a linkup each month, on the third Wednesday of each month. The link up will be open for a week so that everyone has ample chance to have some fun with that self timing function. You can link up just a single photo, or if you are like me (obsessive) you might end up taking heaps that you want to share. (and preferably not selfies taken at arms reach)
I don't want to leave out anyone that wants to join in, so I even found out there is an app for the iPhone called just.SelfTimer, so I assume you can get something similar for most smart phones.
I hope that this will produce some treasured moments that you may not have otherwise captured.
Are you keen to give it a go?
Grab the BTC button from my sidebar and add that to your post so we can spread the word.
We are lucky to get some amazing sunset's up on our hill I love how the light fills the room in a golden glow. I propped the camera up on the boys fire station house, and raced back into position, cuddlying the freshly bathed boy.