Our first stop, apart from the pool the night before, and the buffet breakfast with a side of giant jumping pillow, was to Beaconsfield for the morning.
We had our sights set on gold! Unfortunately there was no gold to be found, apart from the 'Museum Gold' that the boys were rewarded with for finding all of the hidden animals throughout the buildings. We only lost 3 out of 4 of the boys once, not a bad effort, considering one was confined to the pram for the most part. At least I try to streamline my losing kids ability, and it was only for 10 minutes or so, right near a working mine site... no worries! Back to the hidden animals! I use the term 'finding' very loosely, as towards the end of the frantic animal hunt interest was waning and creative ticking came into play.
I thought I hit the golden photo jackpot when I entered the first room. There he was, a man that could easily have been my Grandfather, bent over an old desk, with morning light filling the space behind him, sending a Telegram! A Telegram! It was actually a working telegram exchange.
The old man is the only Telegraphist in Tasmania! For a gold coin you could pen a message that he would send across the wires to another office who then mail it to your supplied address.
It was too good of an opportunity to pass up! I sent one to my Dad who worked for Telecom (Telstra) for his entire working career. And just today I found out that one of my Uncle's also spent some time as a Telegraphist.
Sulking after I found them, because he wanted to continue on, on his own.
The list discussions and commencement of creative ticking.
Linking up with Grace at With Some Grace for #FYBF (Flog your Blog Friday).