Oshawott almost died from Pertussis at 9 months old, even though immunised (up to his age), leaving a 15% 'gap' or 'chance' that he would still contract the disease if he was unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
In 4 winters, he has had Pneumonia 3 times. This last winter, he had Scarlet Fever, and then Pneumonia. He spent 7 days in hospital.
Oshawott also has food intolerances that we are constantly trying to figure out.
Pichu had a bladder infection at just 2 weeks old and spent 2 days in hospital and needed follow up Ultrasounds.
Last year Coder went through a dessensitisation program for his severe grass pollen allergies. 85% chance of success. You guessed it, it was unsuccessful.
So it should have been no surprise that Voltorb's Adenotonsillectomy last Tuesday would go without some kind of incident or complication.
Not long after I wrote my last post, he woke up, and he was in pain. He was also very hungry, and tried to have some icecream, but after only a few mouthfuls he became sick and dizzy. There was no way he was going to take any pain medication, let alone eat anything. The nurse went off to talk to the head nurse and it was decided to call the Dr. I thought it a little bit strange, as it was common to feel a little sick afterwards.
The nurse told us the Dr prescribed medication to stop him feeling sick and also to give the pain medication via the IV rather then via mouth. I felt a massive wave of relief wash over me. Voltorb doesn't take medicine very easily.
After another 30mins the Anesthetist himself popped in to see us. Very unusual, he had only gone home 2 hours before after finishing the last operation for the day, being Voltorb's.
He then explained to me that Voltorb had provided him with a bit of interest during the operation. Oh, great, here it comes. He told me how Voltorb's vocal cords closed over whilst he was trying to navigate an oxygen tube down his throat. He told me he doesn't like 'interest', he likes 'normal' and 'predictable'.
Unfortunately (or probably fortunately) he didn't go into precise details. I did ask a few questions though, and basically it was a reflex of the body. During swallowing, the vocal cords shut the airway so that food is not inhaled. He also told me that during all anesthetics, the bottom portion of the lungs flattens out.
He hadn't wanted to tell me about it after the operation, as he didn't want worry me unnecessarily. After having a long intense listen to Voltorb's lungs and happy that the medicine had started to work he went off on his merry way once again.
Feeling better, he ate a donut, a ham sandwich and another icecream!
It was a late night, and after hearing the screaming and coughing coming from next door (another Tonsillectomy patient) I was quite concerned as to what the night may hold for us.
I needn't have stressed about it. He slept all night, as did I mostly, apart from stirring with each nurses observations.
He only had one little cry that morning when he woke up. The mean old nurse was trying to get him to have medicine -straight-. I said it was very unlikely to work. And it didn't. I asked for strawberry topping and I made it up like we do at home. "Bob's your Uncle", he drank it.
It has been a week since the operation. He is still on pain relief, but the time between doses is getting longer, it still hurts a little to talk, and hurts to laugh. His brother's have been getting into trouble for making him laugh! A complete 180 from the normal. He is also still restricted from any physical activity.
His talking is restrained, he doesn't have his usual voice. So of course we are worrying that it is something to do with the vocal cords. He says it hurts and that is why he is talking different. Time will tell.
School starts today, so he will probably go for half the day so he can meet his teacher and not feel like he has missed out on all the important stuff.
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